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Monday, January 2, 2012


Picture: Horace the Shark sings his latest song "Forever Jaws" for his many fins

Famous golfer Greg Norman is nicknamed the Great White Shark
Great White Sharks are the largest predatory fish in the sea.
Great White Shark meat is not recommended for human consumption because it has very high mercury levels.
Great White Sharks try to avoid fighting for food. When there is only enough food for one, they have a tail-slapping contest.
Great White sharks live along the coasts of all continents except Antarctica.
A Great White Shark may use and lose more than one thousand teeth in its life time.
The Great White Shark is not all white. The shark’s back may be dark blue, gray, brown or black.
The Great White Shark lives for about 25 years.
A Great White Shark is capable of eating sea lions whole.
Great White Sharks rarely attack people and when they do, it is because they mistaken the person for their usual seal prey.
Scientists estimate that after a big meal, a Great White Shark can last up to three months before needing another one.
The biggest Great White Shark ever caught was off Prince Edward Island in 1993. It was 20 feet long.
In one year, a single Great White consumes about 11 tons of food.
Some scientists believe there are less than 10,000 Great White Sharks in the entire world.
Great White Sharks breed late in life. They do not start breeding until they’re at least twenty years old.
More than 70 percent of known victims of Great White Shark Attacks survive because the shark realizes it has made a mistake and doesn’t finish off the prey.

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